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Every wardrobe needs a blazer! We've carefully curated a collection of high-quality women's blazers. Whether you prefer an oversized, tailored or cinched blazer, in leather, tweed or linen, we've got a blazer to cater to every taste.

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18 products
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Double Breasted Blazer made by Gemme Collective
Double Breasted Blazer made by Gemme Collective
made to order
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Gemme CollectiveDouble Breasted Blazer
Cropped Blazer Regular made by Gemme Collective
Cropped Blazer Regular made by Gemme Collective
made to order
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Gemme CollectiveCropped Blazer Regular
Hourglass Blazer Heavy Wool made by Gemme Collective
Hourglass Blazer Heavy Wool made by Gemme Collective
made to order
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Gemme CollectiveHourglass Blazer Heavy Wool
Regular Blazer Wool made by Gemme Collective
Regular Blazer Wool made by Gemme Collective
made to order
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Gemme CollectiveRegular Blazer Wool
KOPSE Wool Jacket made by MAET
KOPSE Wool Jacket made by MAET
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Grey jacket made by KNITEL
Grey jacket made by KNITEL
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KNITELGrey jacket
MARIE BLAZER made by Tamar Keburia
MARIE BLAZER made by Tamar Keburia
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Romee Blazer made by Atoir
Romee Blazer made by Atoir
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AtoirRomee Blazer
Blazer Ramona Wild Dove in Grey made by HALEWSKI
Blazer Ramona Wild Dove in Grey made by HALEWSKI
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HALEWSKIBlazer Ramona Wild Dove
Reflective jacket made by KNITEL
Reflective jacket made by KNITEL
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KNITELReflective jacket
Gia Blazer made by Atoir
Gia Blazer made by Atoir
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AtoirGia Blazer
Blazer Isabella Baltic Grey made by HALEWSKI
Blazer Isabella Baltic Grey made by HALEWSKI
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HALEWSKIBlazer Isabella Baltic Grey
Mercy Blazer - Stone made by HERSKIND
Mercy Blazer - Stone made by HERSKIND
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HERSKINDMercy Blazer - Stone
Wool Jacket made by A.M.G
Wool Jacket made by A.M.G
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A.M.GWool Jacket
Classic Oversize Blazer in White made by Aureliana
Classic Oversize Blazer in White made by Aureliana
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AurelianaClassic Oversize Blazer